NoNaWriMo update 4: progress halted

It hasn’t exactly been a very successful week. Today has been the first day I’ve had time to write at all. I’ve managed to write about 4000 words today.

I got distracted this morning. Since I hadn’t written anything all week I decided to read through what I’d written. That was a mistake. I started editing. First 3000 words or so deleted. Then I went through looking for all the inconsistencies and re-wrote a few things. I’ve managed to get back to 27,545 words and move the story forward, but I’m so far away from the 50,000 words its getting ridiculous. However I shall push on and try to stop editing before I’m finished.

I hope everyone is doing better,



NaNoWriMo update 3 – I’m getting a bit behind!


Well, this week hasn’t gone so well. I managed to get a few hundred words written on Tuesday and Friday and the a few thousand yesterday. I haven’t written anything today, I need time to think out how I’m going to proceed, I’ve got to a crucial point in the plot and it’s being a bit of a git.

Minimum word count: 30,000

Preferred word count: 36,000

Actual word count: 27,376

I’d have to write 2,624 words today just to get to my minimum word count. I’m beginning to feel a bit pressured. Ah, well, I shall just have to push on and hope I can make up my word count in the next few days.

Bye for now



Midweek moan

I wasn’t planning to write an update until Sunday, but I feel the need to write something. I’m at work so I can’t work on my novel so I’m going to have a moan instead.

I have barely written anything! I’m still recovering from a cold and I’m exhausted from work. Finding the energy to write is hard. If I have a post work nap I can manage it but then I don’t start writing until late in the evening. That limits me to two or three hours at most.

I’ve also got to a point in the novel where I could go in a couple of directions. The overall result will be the same, its just getting there that’s giving me difficulty. I think some of my problem is that I don’t want to tackle the problem but I have to or the novel is not going to get finished.

I need a swift kick up the arse to get going again.

Right, back to the day job I go,




Weekly NaNoWriMo update 2


Well, it’s been an odd week. I’ve been ill, I spent most of the week asleep. However I have tried to work on my novel. I managed to write on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and I’ve written a just over fifteen hundred words today.

My total word count is 20,761.

My goals:

minimum – 18333 words

preferred – 22000 + words

I’m pleased I managed to pass my minimum word count and there is still a chance could manage my preferred word count of 22,000 but I’m getting tired and I have to get ready for work tomorrow. I write best from about 8pm to midnight or later, It’s difficult though, because I have to get up for work at 5 am  and therefore work in the afternoon. It hasn’t been an problem so far because I’ve been off sick and could write when I felt up to it, except for today. I have had to write this afternoon and it hasn’t been as productive as I would have liked. However, since I am aware that this is a problem I can try to work around it.

When I go back to work I shall make notes on my breaks in my notebook and then when I get home I shall type the notes up and hope that this stimulates my writing. I am determined not to give up this year.

As for my novel’s progress, I have my main characters together in the place I need them to be and their next steps are forming in my head. I have an overall plan but it is the detailed steps in between that is taking the time. I think this novel is going to be a few more than 50,000 words. I feel that I am only just finishing the beginning portion of my plan, there is still the middle and end thirds to write yet.

Well, I’m going now, so good luck with your writing, and I shall be back next Sunday with another update.





NaNoWriMo – First update

Well four days in and after a marathon writing session that lasted in to the early hours of the morning – I found my muse and wasn’t giving up until my shoulder, wrist and hand hurt – I have managed to get myself ahead of my schedule. I was going for 2000 words a day, meaning I would be up to 8000 words today. Instead I have written 9412. I already know that the first couple of thousand words will go in the first edit. They were just my starting point and everything in that bit can be worked in with more subtlety later. I now have all my main characters where I want them, and now I shall let them get on with it.

Well, I’d best be off, more writing to do, among other things.

I’ll be back next Sunday with another update. Good luck everyone,



NaNoWriMo – I’m trying again this year

I had planned to post this on Thursday, when I wrote it, but the WordPress App on my phone wouldn’t play nicely, so I’m posting it now, while I have access to the internet on my laptop.

‘Last year I participated in NaNoWriMo but didn’t make much progress, so this year I’m trying again. I think the problem last year was that I didn’t prepare well enough. Or at all actually, so this year I have. I’m going to use the month to work on the idea that first arose in my short story ‘Summer Wine’. I have made some plans, plotted it out, made notes of ideas as they’ve come to me, and so this month I will finally be putting it all together to get the first draft written.

I normally write short stories; I start longer works but don’t seem to finish them, so that’s the goal – get it finished.

Wish me luck. And good luck to everyone who is taking part in NaNoWriMo, and any of the other writing challenges taking place this month.’

I’d like to add that I will be updating about my progress every Sunday.


