Tales From Erce -Updates

The first of the three planned Tales From Erce, Bridas’ Justice will be available from next week.

With help from my sisters, it is now complete, has been edited and re-read, and is now ready to go to publication. I’m just getting the set up done on CreateSpace.

Bridas’ Justice is a short story of approximately 6500 words and will be available as a Kindle or paperback. The paperback will be the same dimensions as the FIRE books, so they’ll all sit nicely together on the bookshelf. The Tales From Erce  covers are blue, a nice contrast to the orange-red of the FIRE books. It wasn’t meant to be the first to be published, but Charley’s War is taking longer than expected.


‘Fire Betrayed’ – The Final Cover!

Thanks to Michelle at http://ebookcovers.online

Publication date is confirmed for 1st December 2017, that’s next Friday.


Remember, if you buy the paperback book through Amazon you’ll get the Kindle free, and for one day only, the Kindle of Hidden Fire will also be available for free on the 1st December 2017. If you haven’t read them yet, use the opportunity to get the first the FIRE novels for £1.99 as Kindle ebooks. 



Edit: Drat I’ve just found another typo. Getting that fixed A.SA.P. before the book goes on sale.


‘Fire Betrayed’ update

fire betrayedSave the date!

Fire Betrayed is now available for pre-order from Amazon.

Publication date: 1st December 2017

Price £1.99


If you buy the paperback of  Fire Betrayed through Amazon, you can get the Kindle e-book free between 1st December 2017 and 31st January 2018. From 1st February 2018 the price will increase to 99p.

And as a bonus, Hidden Fire will be available for free for just one day – 1st December 2017

Book Launch Day!

Today’s the day! Hidden Fire is now available as a Kindle ebook and a paperback book from Amazon. From mid-September the ebook should be available in other formats and from other distributors too, with the help of Smashwords.

The launch at the library was good. I arrived early and the library assistant helped me get set up. My cousin Dominic is a photographer and he’s taken some photos of today’s event. His photography has won competitions, and he sometimes helps make films too. Check out his Facebook page DJC Photography.



I took ten books with me to the library, some had already been spoken for, like the three the library ordered, and the ones for my mum and grandmother. Of the five left, I actually sold three of them to people who weren’t friends and family. A cousin and a friend from my allotment days bought the other two.

I’m very happy that it went so well and that the books are now available in the library for borrowers. I checked my sales, there were the 5 pre-orders that have been there since I announced the cook was on pre-order, and an unexpected sale from the US. Thanks to whoever that was, I hope you enjoy it.

Today is also my 34th birthday, I am having a wonderful day. It is the first time in weeks that I haven’t felt awful. I’m tired and peopled out, so the next few days will involve nothing much more than napping and reading.