Review:Sherlock Series 3 Episode 3

8.30 pm
12th January 2014

Well that was an amazing end to the series.

Do you want spoilers? I suppose I should give you a clue.

CAM is revealed to be Charles Augustus Magnusson (Lars Mikkelson), a man with more influence and information on everyone, even than Mycroft. CAM is a newspaper magnate with too much influence on the government. Mycroft warns Sherlock to back off, but that’s no going to happen and we all know it.
Sherlock solves the problem as he always does, but Mycroft has to intervene and prepares to send his brother in to exile.

Until an old enemy reappears to call him home.

Continue reading “Review:Sherlock Series 3 Episode 3”

EEEEEKKK Dr Who! Or, my review of ‘An Adventure In Space and Time’

For those who don’t know, I quite enjoy Dr Who. I can’t wait for the fiftieth anniversary episode on Saturday evening. As part of the celebrations Mark Gatiss has made a programme called  ‘An Adventure In Time and Space’  – a dramatic retelling of the inception and early years of Dr. Who and the first Doctor, William Hartnell.

Continue reading “EEEEEKKK Dr Who! Or, my review of ‘An Adventure In Space and Time’”

Review: Dr. Who ‘The Name of the Doctor’, aired 7pm Saturday 18th May 2013

The ultimate episode of this series of Dr Who, in the lead up to the 50th anniversary in November, was written by Steven Moffat and produced by Marcus Wilson. The Doctor’s big secret, his name, is at the core of this episode. The storyline brings together the major characters of this, and previous, series to do what a time traveller should never do: go to their tomb.

I’m not going to spoil the story for anyone who didn’t watch it tonight by telling you what happened but I have to say, I did feel it didn’t have a strong structure – a beginning, middle and end – and is instead a prologue to the 50th Anniversary episode in November. It was unsatisfying, and Moffat can write better.

Next up, a review of ‘Star Trek: Into darkness’ and that ebook I’ve been reviewing for Book Inc.? Yeah, I finally got that read. The review will be here a.s.a.p. After I’ve had my tea, that is.

Bye, for now,
