I have a new address!

After thirteen years on a free WordPress site, I’ve decided to take the plunge and get a website. It was easy because all I did was upgrade from free to a personal paid site. It’s http://www.everythingisbetterwithdragons.co.uk. I’m still checking things, but i think if you go to my old address, http://www.rosemariecawkwell.wordpress.com it redirects. I’m going to have a play around and check.

Woo, another Gaiman adaptation!

Obviously, everyone has heard by now. The BBC and Amazon are producing a mini series of ‘Good Omens’, based on Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s book of the same name. The cast has been announced; Martin Sheen and David Tennent have taken the roles of, respectively, the slightly fussy angel Aziraphale  and the lazy demon Crowley (architect of the M25) who’d rather the world didn’t end. After the first series of the adaptation of ‘American Gods’, I have high hopes for ‘Good Omens’.

It’s Saturday afternoon, I have unlimited internet access right now

Therefore there will be science spam.


I apologise to my followers who are here for the music and books, but sometimes the scientist in me likes to come out to play. Thus the preceding posts. I’m a geek with all my black little heart (if you get the film reference, bonus points).


Bye bye


Coming soon, a spate of book reviews

I’ve just had a phone call from the library; they’ve got (finally!) the latest Science of Discworld. I’m going to collect it this afternoon. When I get back, and before I start reading it, I’m going to review a couple of e-books I downloaded yesterday.

The first ‘Georgiana Darcy’s Diary’ by Anna Elliott is a continuation of the Jane Austen classic ‘Pride and Prejudice’, and the second is a celebratory edition of the ‘For Dummies…’ series marking their 20th anniversary.

Bye for one,


Listening to the radio

I’m listening to BBC Radio 4 Extra; there’s a radio play on called ‘I want to go home’ by David Pownall. The play is about word meanings and sound changes, and is from the perspective of the words that make up the sentence.

The characters are anthropomorphisms of words, ‘I’ starting out as ‘Ich’, ‘want’ as ‘willa’, ‘Home’ and ‘Haim’ and ‘to go’ as ‘gan’, and the story of how they changed over time. It’s an interesting and entertaining programme, very educational as well.

It will probably be on iPlayer for a week if you want to listen, I would recommend it.



Shamelessly plugging my ridiculously talented relatives

Hey, everyone else is getting free advertising so I thought I’d do my family a minor favour and let people know about them.

My younger sister Helen has a small business proofreading, and she’s also a bit of an historian.

She has a blog and Twitter, plus a Facebook page for her business.

Her blog is helencawkwell1.wordpress.com, her Twitter is @helen_cawkwell and her business Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/StudentProofOnline

She’s really good at the proof reading, she usually proof reads my longer articles for me, although not my blog posts because I write them at odd times. Go and have a look at her pages, please.

My brother-in-law Richard is a spectacularly good guitarist in need of a band. Here are some tracks he’s recorded:

If anyone near by wants to get in touch, or further away if you’re aren’t insanely far away, he has his contact details in various music shops in Grimsby and Scunthorpe, and on the SoundCloud page. Seriously, go have a listen.

My cousin, another Richard, is a tattooist and photographer. He works under the name ‘Loveless Tattooer’ at Bespoke Body Art in Grimsby. The best way to see examples of his work is to look on his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/lovelesstattooer

If I ever get a tattoo I think I’d get Richard to do it, mainly because I wouldn’t trust someone not family near me with needle and ink. And I like his work.

I have other cousins; Dominic is a photographer and student film maker – he’s very good. I’m using one of Dominic’s pictures as a prompt for a series of short stories. Christopher likes to play with computers and Louis is a historian. I’m scared he’ll start a war with France one day. They’ll have to add their own links in the comments if they want people to see their work because I don’t know where they have them.

And that is my shameless plugging of my family’s talents over (To my family – you’d better appreciate it, you horrible lot :D)

