Happy New Year’s Eve


I’ve been quiet, haven’t I? I haven’t forgotten you, and I’m busy working my way through a variety of books so I can review them for you, but I have been very ill. This cold isn’t giving up easily and I’ve had to spend three days in bed. I’ve also had a household appliance crisis. My fridge freezer died on Christmas Day; the funeral is this afternoon, just as soon as the replacement gets delivered. I’ve been using the freezer as a refrigerator, my kitchen is colder than the fridge. I’m getting quite worried about the cheese.Continue reading “Happy New Year’s Eve”

Hretha’s Drumbeats

Rattling drumbeats calling out

Howling trumpets soaring

Hretha’s army is on the march

Seek refuge while you can

Or, it started pouring down with rain just before I finished work this afternoon and I got soaked.

This, by the way, is my inadequate introduction to my post. Forgive the truly poor poetry. It was inspired by the weather this afternoon. My brain bounced from ‘the weather is awful’ to

Continue reading “Hretha’s Drumbeats”