Bonus Review #1: ‘Bring Me Back’, by B.A.Paris

35857495Published By: HQ

Publication Date: 8th March 2018

I.S.B.N.: 9780008244873

Format: Paperback

Price: £7.99








The Disappearance
Twelve years ago Finn’s girlfriend disappeared.

The Suspicion
He told the police the truth about that night.
Just not quite the whole truth.

The Fear
Now Finn has moved on.
But his past won’t stay buried

My Review

Thanks to Isabel at HQ for sending me this novel.

The novel alternates between past and present, then between Finn and his missing girlfriend, Layla. As the story develops, the truth about Layla’s disappearance comes out, and it’s creepy as hell.

I took it with me for a trip to uni last week but only got a little bit read, then on Sunday, I sat down to read, and read the final 3/4 of it. The complicated relationship between Finn, Layla and Ellen, and the slow drip of pressure on Finn is gripping. Harry and Ruth are there as brilliant support and Finn’s sounding board. Their developing relationship is a gentle balance against the psychological pressure of the main plot.

I received this mid-January and was trying to keep my hands off it until March but couldn’t. I recommend this psychological thriller to anyone who enjoys them.


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