July reviews: part 2

Just a few books this time round. There’s a bit of variety in this set of reviews. Enjoy.
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Review: ‘A God-Blasted Land: The Bastard Cadre # 1’ by Lee Carlon

Clockwork Samurai
Originally published 2011, this edition published October 2013



The first of three e-books published so far (the forth is in progress) about a group of young people bound from birth by magic to a gods Chosen representative. Set on a ravaged planet where cities have fallen into ruin, technology and magic co-exist, and the decimated population is ruled by a small group of Chosen and policed by the Bondsmen.

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Review: Timesplash by Graham Storrs

Originally: 2010 – Lyrical Press

Edition reviewed: 2013 – Momentum


In forty years a new underground craze will start – splash parties. Time travellers known as ‘bricks’ will be thrown back in time, ‘lobbed’, and their actions in the past will cause a ‘splash’ as their presence disrupts the timelines. The back wash from the ‘splash’ mixed with the new drug tempus causes a high. It’s marginally illegal; police forces concentrate on controlling the drugs and noise caused by the splash parties, after all the timeline can’t be changed because it fixes itself.

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