Introducing Paid Subscriptions – ‘One of Our Assessors is Missing’, Chapter One

Hello all,

I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I don’t like to make people pay for my work, but at the same time, I’m disabled, I can only work a few hours a week and the exhaustion is interfering with my ability to write. I want to give myself an incentive to write when I feel well enough. If I have paying subscribers, I have to write!

I may have mentioned the Space Dragon story I’ve been working on for a couple of years. The plan is to share a chapter a month for paying subscribers until I’ve written it all. You won’t be getting the first draft, since I write that by hand, but you’ll get the edited version. There will probably be further edits in future before I release it as a book. I might also share some of my short stories as paid subscriber posts.

What do you think?

Let me share a few paragraphs with you and if you want the rest, please feel free to join the paid subscription.

One of Our Assessors is Missing

Chapter 1: Maria

Maria Walder yelped as their co-assessor, the star dragon Lah-Shar, turned sharply through the skies of Ascend To The Stars, their home planet. Below them, the landscape was dark, dotted with a few lights from small towns, and the glow of Avalon in the far distance. Above, the darkness of space spread out above them, a few zephyr clouds dances across the sky and three moons looked down on them.

“What are you doing, Shar? I thought – ” Maria yelled. They gripped the saddle tight, closing their eyes, shivering against the cold.

‘Don’t worry, I know where I’m going.’ Lah-Shar thought to them, ‘And stop screaming.’ He flapped his wings again, beating against the ever-thinning atmosphere.

‘I’m not screaming.’ Maria thought back, aware that they had, in fact, been screaming as Lah-Shar had turned ninety degrees and shot into the night sky.

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To read the rest of chapter 1 from ‘One of Our Assessors is Missing’ subscribe for £2 a month.

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