Review: The Hunter’s Gambit, by Ciel Pierlot

From the award nominated author of Bluebird comes a tale of seduction, sadism, and survival featuring malevolent vampires and a locked-room escape adventure…

Locked in a castle with a clan of devious vampires, one woman is caught in a literal fight for her life.

Vampires have always fascinated Kazan Korvic, so much so that she’s made it her life’s work to craft weapons designed solely to kill them. But when she is attacked and captured by an entire clan, Kazan’s fascination turns ferocious.

In their Citadel, Kazan is forced to attend the Vampire Court where she must act as their Queen. She is told that she will be waited-and-doted upon, until the end of her reign in three days’ time. Then, an extravagant and lavish feast will be held… where the vampires will consume their newly crowned Queen.

Desperate and afraid, Kazan finds no allies in the castle except for a pair of distractingly alluring vampires who seem sympathetic to her plight. But as she devises her escape plan, she comes to realise that she is not the only one who is trapped, and no one is prepared for how far she’s willing to go to survive…

Continue reading “Review: The Hunter’s Gambit, by Ciel Pierlot”

Review: Terrible Humans, by Patrick Alley

Publication date Thursday, May 23, 2024
Price £16.99
ISBN-13 9781800961982

A small number of people, motivated by an insatiable greed for power and wealth, and backed by a pinstripe army of enablers (and sometimes real armies too), have driven the world to the brink of destruction. They are the super-villains of corruption and war, some with a power greater than nation state and the capacity to derail the world order. Propping
up their opulent lifestyles is a mess of crime, violence and deception on a monumental scale. But there is a fightback: small but fearless groups of brilliant undercover sleuths closing in on them, one step at a time.

In Terrible Humans, Patrick Alley, co-founder of Global Witness and the author of Very Bad People, introduces us to some of the world’s worst warlords, grifters and kleptocrats who can be found everywhere from presidential palaces to the board rooms of some of the world’s best known companies. Pitted against them, the book also follows the people
unravelling the deals, tracking the money and going undercover at great risk. From the oligarch charged with ordering the killing of an investigative journalist to the mercenary army seizing the natural resources of an entire African country, this is a whirlwind tour of the dark underbelly of the world’s super powerful and wickedly wealthy, and the daring investigators dragging them into the light.

Continue reading “Review: Terrible Humans, by Patrick Alley”

TBR Review: The Fireborne Blade, by Charlotte Bond

Format: 176 pages, Hardcover
Published: May 28, 2024 by Tordotcom
ISBN: 9781250290311 (ISBN10: 1250290317)
Language: English


Kill the dragon. Find the blade. Reclaim her honour.

It’s that, or end up like countless knights before her, as a puddle of gore and molten armor.

Maddileh is a knight. There aren’t many women in her line of work, and it often feels like the sneering and contempt from her peers is harder to stomach than the actual dragon slaying. But she’s a knight, and made of sterner stuff.

A minor infraction forces her to redeem her honor in the most dramatic way possible, she must retrieve the fabled Fireborne Blade from its keeper, legendary dragon the White Lady, or die trying. If history tells us anything, it’s that “die trying” is where to wager your coin.

Maddileh’s tale contains a rich history of dragons, ill-fated knights, scheming squires, and sapphic love, with deceptions and double-crosses that will keep you guessing right up to its dramatic conclusion. Ultimately, The Fireborne Blade is about the roles we refuse to accept, and of the place we make for ourselves in the world.

My Review

Bond builds a world in very few words, with dragons that possess unique abilities and melt on death. It’s a traditional knights killing dragons story with a few twists and horror elements.

The characters come to life in a few words and the twist is unexpected. The ending is quite dramatic and leads into the next novella. The use of extracts from archives of other dragon slaying and magical adventures flesh out the world with extra details, so that the reader discovers the social structure of the world and Maddileh’s place in it. Through her interactions with mages we understand the internal conflicts of both Maddileh herself and the magical order.

There are hints of a wider world and the future that suggests more novellas will follow and I look forward to reading them.

It’s Strange Up North event; or, Rosemarie went to Leeds and only bought 8 books

Bit of back story. A group of authors in Northern England and Scotland got sick of all the literary events being in London and decided to organise their own it Leeds. They arranged it with Waterstones and called the event ‘It’s Strange Up North’. 18 authors agreed to attend and the notifications went out.

I happen to be on the British Fantasy Society discord and heard about it, since one of the organisers was in the Yorkshire & Humber channel on the BFS Discord. I bought my ticket ASAP and waited. I had planned to go to Leeds for the entire weekend, but hotels are ridiculously expensive. It is my birthday weekend, or at least it’s the weekend closest to my birthday, so theoretically I could have had a whole weekend away but the cat didn’t agree.

Yesterday, I travelled to Leeds by train, went to Hold Fast Books after a ride on the water taxi, then meandered around the Armouries shop, and bought a dragon, got another water taxi back to the Granary Dock and made my way through the station and up Albion Street, stopping in for a pizza and pavlova at The New Conservatory in Albion Place, before heading just a bit further up Albion Street, to Waterstones.

It was packed! They sold out the event! It was catered. Or more precisely, the organisers had gone out and bought party food and told everyone to eat up because they didn’t want it to go to waste. I struggled, honestly. I wasn’t too fussed by the food, and there were too many people corralled into too small an area until the shop shut at 6.30pm. Once it shut, we spread out and took over all three floors.

I met Laura Lam, author of Dragonfall, Goldilocks, and several other books. I bought the paperback of Dragonfall and Laura signed it for me. We had a chat about random things, like epidermoid cysts, and the publishing industry.

I met Sunyi Dean, and her dog. She signed a paperback copy of The Bookeaters for me.

I met Stephan Aryan and got an early copy of The Blood Dimmed Tide. He signed it for me. Stephan Aryan is very tall. I got the first book in this duology, The Judas Blossom, last year at FantasyCon, and he signed that one there. I’m actually going to read both of them at some point.

I bought a copy of The Bone Ships, by R.J. Barker. He was supposed to be there but couldn’t, so sent signed book plates.

I met Charlotte Bond and got a copy of her debut novella, The Fireborne Blade. She was handing out sweets and bookmarks, so I’m not complaining. I read the book on my way home last night and a review will follow shortly.

I met Sarah Brooks, who signed a copy of The Cautions Traveller’s Guide to the Wastelands, her debut. It isn’t supposed to be out yet.

I picked up a copy of Ascension from Nicholas Binge. I think it’s the only sci-fi I bought.

And finally, Snowblooded, by Emma Sterner-Radley, a fantasy set in 19th century Sweden.

I have book marks for some of them, and in the goody bag I received an ARC of We Are All Ghosts In The Forest, by Lorraine Wilson and a pin badge for Snowblooded.

There are pictures on my Instagram.

P.S. Did you know the Royal Armouries shop has dragons!?

I bought a Suki brand dragon called Thunder. He is cute and has joined the dragons of my dragon shelf.

Book Review: When The Night Falls, by Glenn Rolfe

● Genre – contemporary horror > psychological thriller
● ISBN paperback – 978-1-78758-809-7
● ISBN ebook – 978-1-78758-811-0
● Pricing [USD] $16.95 (PB) / $4.99 (EB)
● Pricing [GBP] £12.95 (PB) / £4.95 (EB)
● Releases 11 June 2024
● Published by Flame Tree Press
● Distributed by Hachette UK

It’s been ten years since the events of Until Summer Comes Around. Lucky to be alive, Rocky roams his beachside hometown, waiting for life to start again.

November Riley has never been far from the boy that stole her heart. She watches from the shadows, knowing she can never make things right between them, but just hoping they could try one
more time…

A new documentary is bringing Gabriel Riley, the Beach Night Killer, back to national consciousness.

The dead serial killer has a trio of new fans that are ready to make Old Beach their home for the end of the summer season. When the new strangers in town discover Rocky’s relationship to the past of one of their own, he becomes their number one target. Can November protect him, or will these other vampires prove too strong?

When the night falls, blood will spill, and death will reign.

Continue reading “Book Review: When The Night Falls, by Glenn Rolfe”

Paid Subscriber Post June Edition: One Of Our Assessors is Missing

And we’re back!

Chapter 5 – Maria

Maria had watched the star-dragon explain the mission, feeling confused and angry, but couldn’t work out why. When Pjang-Nich had insulted humans, she didn’t think her words were insulting, but Maria had felt insulted. It was that communication thing again. They were speaking the same words but meaning different things. Pjang-Nich’s tail had swung backwards and forwards like a metronome until the Elder had marched out, the door banging shut behind her.

            “She really doesn’t like humans, does she?”

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Cover Reveal: THE WAY UP IS DEATH, by Dan Hanks

When a mysterious tower appears in the skies over England, thirteen strangers are pulled from their lives to stand before it as a countdown begins. Above the doorway is one word: ASCEND.

As a grieving teacher, a reclusive artist, and a narcissistic celebrity children’s author lead the others in trying to understand why they’ve been chosen and what the tower is, it soon becomes clear the only way out of this for everyone… is up.

And so begins a race to the top, through sinking ships, haunted houses and other waking nightmares, as the group fights to hold onto its humanity, while the twisted horror of why they’re here grows ever more apparent – and death stalks their every move.

THE WAY UP IS DEATH will be published on the 28th January 2025, in Paperback and eBook.