I’ve been sleeping a lot

Yep, I over did it last week and have basically spent two days asleep. Which is why I’m awake at one in the morning writing a blog post. I’m hoping getting things written down will allow me to get some sleep tonight.

Continue reading “I’ve been sleeping a lot”

Uni update: Week ?

I haven’t done a uni update for a few weeks, have I?

Sorry about that. I changed my medication during reading week and I’m still adjusting. Since then I’ve had two days at university. In week six(?) we started talking about ghost stories; what makes a ghost story, why people read them, etc. and watched a bit of ‘Spirited Away’.

I had started my ghost story, I’d already written one but it wasn’t long enough so I’m saving it to enter in to a short story  competition, probably the on-going monthly Writer’s Forum magazine competition. I’m waiting until I have some money though, because I want to pay the extra for a critique. Over the weekend, between weeks 6 and 7, I finished a second ghost story, which I hope to use as my assignment piece, because I don’t have much more in me in the way of ghost stories, not at the minute anyway.

In week 7 we talked about ghost stories we liked, and I borrowed a Dean Koontz book from my tutor. I read it in one sitting. It’s called Odd Apocalypse, and is part of a series. I don’t know if you’ve read it? I quite enjoyed it. I think I’ve tried to read it before and couldn’t get on with it but this time I could. Interesting characters and plot, and a different take on the ghost story/haunted house idea.

Other than giving each other feedback, I think we’ve pretty much finished ghost stories. Half the lesson last week was about what to do next, dissertations, getting published, that sort of thing. I told our tutor I had three complete novels and another five (at least) planned. He asked what I was doing with them. ME: Nothing, because I don’t know what to do next.

I have decided to try to enter more competitions. So far I’ve entered the ‘Writers and Artists Short Story Competition’ which was free – that was in February, and last night I entered the ‘Writer’s Forum Flash Comp 186’, which was also free because I’m a subscriber to the magazine, with a little sci-fi flash I wrote yesterday morning and left to bubble for 12 hours before I edited and sent it off. I’ve started another sci-fi short story that I’m going to enter in the ‘Writing Magazine’ competition later in the year. One of their monthly competitions had a sci-fi theme, so I’m going to try to enter that.

I’m going to enter ‘Hidden Fire’ in some ‘first chapters’ and first novel competitions, once I get my next student loan payment. The entry fees are about £15 – £30 so I’m going to have to be selective.

This week we are supposed to be sharing the first part of our ghost stories in class; since I already have mine written and it’s 3061 words I’ve shared it with my classmates already so I don’t have to read the whole thing out but can still get some feedback on it. I’m hoping to get some decent feedback, and to get more insight into what the hell I’m supposed to do next with my novels.

On Saturday I will be in Nottingham for the East Midlands Writer’s Conference. It will be a long day, as I have to catch the train at 7 a.m. and I won’t be home again until half seven in the evening, at the earliest (depending on whether I can get a lift from the station or not). I am looking forward to it, even if the thought of sitting in a room with a hundred-plus other people is uncomfortable. I have everything planned, down to which tram to get from the university to the train station in Nottingham on Saturday afternoon. The train tickets have been booked and delivered, I have my information pack printed out. I should be okay but I’m prepared. The new medication is definitely helping with the anxiety.


Also, awesome writer and course rep, Jo, has started her own book review blog. Go and see her work at https://feedmebooksblog.wordpress.com/. Also, she has a YA romance e-book out on amazon.co.uk, called ‘Hello World’, which she wrote a few years ago. It’s good, and she’s an even better writer now, so look out for more of her work.

In other news, my friend Michelle Conner released the paperback of her new novella ‘The Bound‘ yesterday and the e-book is released tomorrow.


Review: ‘South’, by Frank Owen

Published by: Corvus Books (Atlantic Books)

Publication Date: 7th July 2016

I.S.B.N.: (Paperback) 9781782399612, (Ebook) 978178239812

Price: £12.99 (Paperback)

Book received from publisher in return for an honest review.

Continue reading “Review: ‘South’, by Frank Owen”

Update: 25th July 2016

Good evening readers, I thought it might be time for a bit of an update, since I’ve been so quiet this month on the reviewing front. I’m tired. It’s the heat and the amount of light; I sleep at odd hours and I’m not really in the mood to look at a screen all day because my eyes hurt. Continue reading “Update: 25th July 2016”


Evening, it’d be much more pleasant out if the wind would drop so I’m sat indoors reading instead of being outside enjoying my new garden chairs. I have a fire pit too, I need to get burny-burny things so I can set fire to marsh mallows and toast my toes in an evening.Continue reading “Update”

I’ve been bad

Since I got my arrears payment on Monday I’ve been treating myself to all those things I’ve gone without for most of this year. I had a Chinese takeaway on Wednesday, and made it last til Thursday, because I can’t eat that much any more and I’ve got into the habit of making two meals out if one if I can.

I’ve also bought myself some DVDs, mostly secondhand (I finally got to see the first two series of Vikings!) but today I splashed out and got The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies [Edit 30/09/2015: they sent the wrong film! I already have Desolation of Smaug, thanks Amazon, I wanted Battle of Five Armies when it’s released in November!] and Thor: The Dark World [Edit 30/09/2015: it didn’t arrive with everything else. Tomorrow maybe?] new from amazon. I also bought three Tolkien books I wanted – The Story of Kalervo, The Monsters, The Critics and Other Essays, and Finn and Hengest. The first is a new release, and will go lovely next to ‘Beowulf‘ on my Tolkien shelf – they have similar dust jacket designs. The other two have been around a while but I’ve never had the chance to get them. They will be here at the end of the week and I shall surface from my Tolkien immersion eventually.

But that’s it, there will be no more money being spent. I want to keep a months rent and bill money in my savings just in case of an emergency, and I don’t want to touch my ESA until next month’s rent is paid. I’m so used to having to eke out my income to cover my bills and rent that I’m scared to use any of it now that I have a bit more coming in even though, theoretically I know I have enough for the bills, food and the odd treat.

Gothic literature and the library


Yesterday I took a trip down to London to go to the British Library. On the 20th the current exhibition, Terror and Wonder: The Gothic Imagination, closes and I’m rather fond of certain aspects of the Gothic so I took a trip (also, I like old books).

Continue reading “Gothic literature and the library”

Books that make me think: Feminist books

Hello all you lovely people, having a good weekend? I am; I have mostly been sleeping, visiting friends and staying up late reading. Because I’m a grown-up and I can do that sort of thing if I want.

Actually, reading into the early hours is my default state and has been for about twenty years. There’s a reason I’m always tired…well, in truth it’s one of the reasons I’m always tired.
Continue reading “Books that make me think: Feminist books”